Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Penggunaan Active Causative dan Passive Causative

Definisi Causative
Causative adalah Kalimat yang menyatakan bahwa orang lain lah yang melakukan pekerjaan untuk subjek kalimat. Bentuk Causative ini beraneka ragam. Anda dapat menggunakan salah satu dari penjelasan di bawah ini: Selamat belajar:
1. Active Causative
a. Causative “Have”
Rumus: Subject + have/has + someone + kata kerja Bentuk I
  1. I have him clean my shoes (saya menyuruhnya membersihkan sepatuku)
  2. Mary has George climbs the tree
  3. You must haveSusie study hard
b. Causative “Get“
Rumus: Subject + Get + someone + to infinitive
  1. He gets John to brush the shoes
  2. They get me to wash the clothes
  3. She will get Anne to accompany her to the party tomorrow
2. Passive Causative
Rumus: Subject + have/get + object + kata kerja Bentuk III
  1. The government got the bridge built quickly
  2. We must have the floor cleaned as soon as possible

a. Causative “Make“
Penggunaannya sama dengan causative di atas, namun perintahnya lebih keras (sedikit memaksa)
Rumus: Subject + Make + someone + Kata kerja bentuk I
  1. The teacher always makes the students stay in their own seats
  2. Bob made his son be quiet in the library
b. Causative “Want“
Rumus: Subject + Want + object + Kata Kerja Bentuk III
  1. I  want  this chairs painted (saya mau kursi-kursi ini dicat)
  2. He wants the cars repaired

1. Rumus Modal            : S + Modal + V1 + O
contoh : I will go to school (saya akan pergi ke sekolah)
2. Rumus Kalimat Perintah : V1 + Objek/adverb,
contoh : Open the window! (bukalah jendela itu!)
3. Rumus Simple present   : S + V1 + O
contoh : We always play football everyday (Kita selalu bermain bola setiap hari)
4. Rumus Pasif Voice      : S + to be (is,am,are) + V3 :
contoh : The Ball is bought by me (bola itu dibeli oleh saya)
5. Rumus Causative Verbs  : S + make/have + V1 + O,
contoh : They have me study hard (Mereka menyuruh saya belajar dengan giat)
6. Rumus Conditional Sentence tipe 1 : if + simple present, simple future,
contoh if i have much money, i will go to Bali Island.
7. Rumus Conditional Sentence tipe 2 : if + simple past, past future,
contoh : if i had a car, i would give him money (jika saya memiliki mobil, saya akan memberinya uang)
8. Rumus Conditional Sentence tipe 3 : if + past perfect, past future perfect,
contoh : if i had had money, i would have bought a house (jika saya punya uang, saya akan membeli rumah)

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